The Chennai's Gemini Colour Laboratory refused to hand back the Sinhalese and Tamil language negatives robbed from the Director of the controversial film entitled Prabhakaran.
Pro-Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam political activists robbed the negatives of the full length feature film named after the LTTE leader Prabhakaran when the Director of the film Thushara Peiris was there at the Colour laboratories attending to the processing of the film.
The newspaper quoted him having said the laboratory administrators asked for a letter from the Federal government in New Delhi to handover the negatives of the film to its rightful owners when the director of the film travelled back to the colour laboratories to receive the negatives he owned.
The laboratory owners in a seemingly frustrating act told the owners that the film negatives robbed from the director could only be released with the permission of the central government.
Pro-Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam political activists robbed the negatives of the full length feature film named after the LTTE leader Prabhakaran when the Director of the film Thushara Peiris was there at the Colour laboratories attending to the processing of the film.
The newspaper quoted him having said the laboratory administrators asked for a letter from the Federal government in New Delhi to handover the negatives of the film to its rightful owners when the director of the film travelled back to the colour laboratories to receive the negatives he owned.
The laboratory owners in a seemingly frustrating act told the owners that the film negatives robbed from the director could only be released with the permission of the central government.
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