Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Muthuvel Karunanidhi gave a half hearted warning to the Indian Central Government after failing to muster support from major opposition party AIADMK in the state assembly. His so called All Party Conference ended up as little more than a DMK confab where a lukewarm warning was issued to the Centre that DMK MPs would ‘consider’ resignation in a the event of inability to bring about a ceasefire in Sri Lanka within two weeks.
Though in the past TN State Government’s emotive use of Sri Lankan issues has shaken the Centre in the past several occasions. However, there has been a significant shift since Rajiv Gandhi assassination by the LTTE in 1991. The Centre has limited its role to ‘concerned, but no interference’ in the anti terrorism drive of Colombo.President Mahinda Rajapaksa has said that Sri Lanka wants a political solution to the problem and that he was confident this would be best addressed after defeating the terrorists militarily. He pointed out that there were not many casualties amongst the civilians who were caught in the fighting between the LTTE and security forces in northern Sri Lanka.
Resolutions adopted in the all-party leaders’ meeting convened by Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi in Chennai on 14/10/2008
Resolution – 1
The situation, where the Tamils are subjected to genocides, which continues for more than 30 years in Sri Lanka and where even (tender flowers-like) innocent infants of thousands of Tamil families too get killed, thus ruining the entire future generation of those families, is getting worsened day by day and hence the Sri Lankan Tamils – who are already floating in a sea of tears – counter the attacks of the Sinhala army, tired and vexed by a tinge of distress “as to whether there is anyone in this world to provide us refuge and save us?” and are waiting for a way, with tearful eyes and a hope as to when these problems will see a dawn?. This all-party leaders’ meeting requests that the Indian government should take immediate steps to stop the war and restore peace and normality in Eelam.
Resolution – 2
Reports state that the Indian government has been extending military assistance to the Sri Lankan government. This meeting requests the Central government to stop the arms assistance immediately, since these helps – extended by the Indian government as a goodwill gesture as a neighbor – are utilized by the Sri Lankan government to intensify the genocides and destroy the Tamils.
Resolution – 3
It is hereby declare at this all-party meeting that, if the Indian government fails to come forward to implement these resolutions and to effect a ceasefire in Sri Lanka within two week’s time, all the Parliamentarians from Tamil Nadu will have to resign en masse.
Resolution – 4
This meeting requests the Central government to provide food, shelter and medicine to the war-affected people immediately, to enable them to run their life after they get displaced on ceasefire declaration and also to extend all possible humanitarian assistance to them.
Resolution – 5
This meeting stresses that the Central government should utilize the assistance of International organizations like Red Cross, in a way to ensure that the efforts of NGOs – who come forward to extend various helps on humanitarian basis – reach the affected people directly without any hindrance.
Resolution – 6
This all-party leaders’ meeting strongly condemns the continuation of atrocities like ‘indiscriminate attacks on Tamil Nadu fishermen – who venture in to sea for fishing to earn their livelihood – by Sri Lankan naval personnel, treating these fishermen in inhuman ways and shooting them to death mercilessly and also requests the Central government to arrive at a permanent and stable solution to these acts, which defy humanity and violate human rights completely and implement them immediately.
Vote of Thanks by Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi: I wish to point out here that this event, where all of you have accepted my invitation, gathered here as one unit to express your unanimous opinions to save the Tamil community – which is a most important one and the one which is mixed with our body and life – and to stop the war in the Tamil land of Eelam and to spark a motivation to the Indian government and a caution to the Sri Lankan government, is actually an significant chapter in our history. I also wish to add here that I will undertake all possible efforts to ensure that these resolutions are implemented and we, with the cooperation of all the leaders of our parties, will succeed in that effort.