8:03 AM

Serbia stops Tiger transmission to Europe, Africa and Middle East

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), ran into another hurdle in propaganda drive. The LTTE official radio Voice of Tigers (VoT), which started transmissions on 1st June 2008 from Serbia has ceased its transmissions on June 09, 2008. According to reliable sources, the government of Serbia has terminated the broadcast license granted to VoT to retransmit to Europe, North Africa and Middle East via Serbian satellite, when the authorities came to know that VoT was the official broadcast organ of a banned terrorist outfit.
It is reported that several influential contacts have helped the LTTE to obtain the transmission license for broadcast of Tamil FM Radio through Serbian satellite. However, the Serbian authorities were not aware of the true nature of the contents of VOT and the moment they realized the connection between the VoT and the LTTE, the transmission was terminated.
Previously the VoT as well as the LTTE's television service, the National Tamil Television (NTT) used the US based INTELSAT 12 for radio and television transmissions. INTELSAT 12 terminated the transmissions when pointed out that the LTTE was a listed terrorist organization in the US and the VoT and NTT are the publicity organs of the terrorist movement.
Although LTTE recommenced NTT transmissions through Hong Kong based AsiaSat, using a third party to obtain a satellite loops, it was also ceased thanks to the timely revelation of the true nature of broadcast material.
Last month, the LTTE, though influential contacts in Middle East, obtained the services of EU TELSAT in Serbia for the transmission of a newly set up radio station named Tamil FM Radio. However, within few days it came to know that the Tamil FM Radio is nothing but the VoT, the official broadcast station of the LTTE. When the Serbian authorities realized that the transmission was promoting terrorism, the agreement was reported to have terminated ceasing the radio broadcast.
As the LTTE television and radio transmissions have run into rough weather in USA, France, Italy, Hong Kong, Singapore and finally Serbia, the analyst wonder, what would be the next destination of VoT/NTT. The nations in the frontline in the global was against terrorism should be vigilant on this issue and top international researchers are of the view that a timely requirement is an international regulations to prevent terrorist organizations from using radio and television waves for propaganda.