Sri Lankan film director Thushara Perera was inhumanly assaulted at Gemini Colour Laboratory, in Chennai yesterday by a violent mob lead by LTTE supporters. Thushara, a young film director who had gone to India to complete the Tamil version of his maiden film "Prbhakaran" suffered serious injuries including cut wounds on his back as the mob laid hands on him as he was coming out of the laboratory.
Thushara told media that he had run to save his life while the mobsters chased him and assaulted him until he got unconscious for about 45 minutes. Indian Police had rescued him and rushed him to immediate medical attention. Thushara is now undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Colombo
The young film director came under the wrath of LTTE, a banned terrorist outfit in India as his maiden film "Prabhakaran" is based on a story of a Child soldier who was brain washed into suicide bomber by the outfit. As child soldiers and brain washed suicide bombers are commonly identified with LTTE terrorists, the film has been considered as a huge threat by the LTTE propagandists.
According to Thushara, there have been massive and misleading propaganda claiming that the film was anti Tamil, by certain Indian media. However, the film maker claimed that the film is not anti Tamil or even not against terrorism, to LTTE to get annoyed.
Thushara told media that he had run to save his life while the mobsters chased him and assaulted him until he got unconscious for about 45 minutes. Indian Police had rescued him and rushed him to immediate medical attention. Thushara is now undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Colombo
The young film director came under the wrath of LTTE, a banned terrorist outfit in India as his maiden film "Prabhakaran" is based on a story of a Child soldier who was brain washed into suicide bomber by the outfit. As child soldiers and brain washed suicide bombers are commonly identified with LTTE terrorists, the film has been considered as a huge threat by the LTTE propagandists.
According to Thushara, there have been massive and misleading propaganda claiming that the film was anti Tamil, by certain Indian media. However, the film maker claimed that the film is not anti Tamil or even not against terrorism, to LTTE to get annoyed.
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